2005-12-31 12:36:50LIL_Cin

tahnkyou ali for lovin me for these past four months
although i onli saw u once..or twice..
but somehow i feel so connected with you...
althought i must confess i realli like you alot.....
thankyou my scorpio lover for give me the love i needed in times..
i m so sure u loved me so much once...
however, as time passes by....’
love drifts apart..
maybe im thinking too much..maybe is becuase we dont talk as much as before........or maybe because you are all that yet im just another ordinary person on this world....
when thingz falls apart...
i know how it feelz..dont worrry
just enjoy ur life..
ur grreat
i will rmemember u alwayz..
although i onli saw u once..or twice..
but somehow i feel so connected with you...
althought i must confess i realli like you alot.....
thankyou my scorpio lover for give me the love i needed in times..
i m so sure u loved me so much once...
however, as time passes by....’
love drifts apart..
maybe im thinking too much..maybe is becuase we dont talk as much as before........or maybe because you are all that yet im just another ordinary person on this world....
when thingz falls apart...
i know how it feelz..dont worrry
just enjoy ur life..
ur grreat
i will rmemember u alwayz..