2004-01-15 17:33:00LIL_Cin


another morning when i wake up i see the light shine thru my eyes. Wonderin why i cry so much lastn ite...
ya all poeple dont see wat's inside of a complicated life , when we sang and smile, all you people just just life up your camera so high . Bitches here and there , cats here and there who are my real homies who are tha fakers shaking their ass to me , i aint buying that shit no more , i aint into lies no more, i am for real.....you all aint got no light as shine as mine , as bright as mine. this thing right here will blind your eyes you better take some step back , sit your ass bakc into your ghetto life .

IT aint hard to keep it real , for real dawgs, look aroudn you and u will find , whos' with you and who's not, who ride with you till the end of the time, who's been there for you when your in need for a cry.
Look over my shoulder, still i don't see i can't see i can't seems to find the click into this game, this game so called crime, lies, bitches and holes money and flow, SOrry , my lord, i have another goal and my way to go.

Looking back at my life, when my mommie use to sing me lullibye, she says lil cin sleep tight , don't cry . the world isn't perefct but you are in my eyes. I took her words for my life, that's why now i m standing up and high , looking down at you alright. i grow up , learn my lesson that's how it goes , imperfection , isolation , creation , reconstruction . THru the hard time and the good time, LIl cin learn the way of life , here my lil advice:" always, always rmember this keep your head high , dont look back , onli thing that will keep u alive is
have faith in this life, noone else can take yoru life away , its your life, your destiny is in your bare hands, take this path and you will see the light."


But why , all i can see now, is the camera light and phat words on the sunday morning entertainment paper. Bitches wanna bring me down , so they add up extra spice like the steak with the pepper. Danm holes, its time to turn around the dice, strongest survive . LIl cin is about to give bitchees lesson they have never seeing..That' rite..


UHm UHm...keep your head high...UHm UHm dont look back at your life.
UHm UHm kEep your head high UHm UHm, that's just the way you survive.
uHmm UHmm keep this game for real..Uhmm UHmm FUck them bitches and hoes
