2004-10-12 15:46:35尚未設定

The Sound of Music

I saw a musical “The Sound of Music” last Sunday. It was so great! http://www.ticket.com.tw/dm.asp?P1=0000004191

Do you see this before? Actually, the play was conducted for the big screen as well and won Academy Awards in 1965.

The story is about a novitiate, Maria, who becomes temporary governess to the children of Captain George on Trapp, a retired officer of the Austrian Navy. There are seven children in Trapp family. In the beginning, children do not like any governess. Indeed, they played tricks on their ex governesses and forced them to vacate. They did this for drawing his father’s attention. However, Maria is an enthusiastic girl and wins over all of the children soon. Romatically, Captain falls in love with Maria, too.

There are so many popular songs such as “Do Re Me”, “My Favorite Things”, “Edelweiss”…etc. I saw the movie several times before. But to watch and listen to the musical is totally different. Actors, actresses, orchestra, and whole staffs work together to represent the story. Audience also participate the play through laughs and applauses. Thus, everyone in the theater is a part of the play and shares joy, anger, sadness and happiness for each other.

So take some time to enjoy a play. I hope you can get something from it.