2012-12-13 01:39:42森田~杰王子

一年又過了 給該看的人...生日快樂(補)

一轉眼就一年了 好快...進入重點...生日快樂 傻瓜...這次沒這麼容易了 我想說的話 我不設密不不過呢....
Maybe you know that I have ever studied English in Philippine for six month.But maybe you don't know.Anyway that's not important thing.What important thing is I am busy a lot to work after I came back Taiwan.

By now,maybe you've already made a new boyfriend or new boyfriends.....hahaha kidding.But I thought that maybe this life is good for us,don't you think so?Because you are happy and satisfy the life without me.

What ever.....this is really serious secret.What the secret is.....actually I missed you,even until now It's not too much.but it's really exist in my life.But I guess you didn't care about that anymore after it happened,right? Anyway happy birthday.I forget how old you are.But I know that's a secret for women.If I ask someone about this question who is a woman,it's impolite.You take care of yourself girl.
(悄悄話) 2013-01-22 19:48:59