2004-05-26 10:18:29毛毛
Les Miserables
去年在倫敦考完英文之後, 趁著入學之前, 請朋友帶我去欣賞久聞盛名的音樂劇. 其實對這種文化活動一向沒啥概念, 看到滿街海報宣傳各樣的戲碼, 也不知道要如何選擇. 而且票價貴得讓我無法多看幾齣, 再加上自己英文不好, 很怕坐進去是浪費. 還是友人了解我的個性, 他說, Les Miserables是雨果的名著改編, 法國大革命的故事背景, 應該很容易懂得. 於是乎我們就各自花了三十八鎊挑了一個上好的位子, 準備來英之後的第一次文化洗禮.
老實說, 我沒看過悲慘世界的小說. 所以, 坐在裡頭將近三個小時, 雖然基本上聽不懂他們演什麼, 唱什麼, 但出來時還是覺得值回票價. 除了音樂好聽, 重點是, 看到紅旗在舞台飄揚就很HIGH.
上午, 一個朋友說她有Les Miserables的原聲帶, 我很興奮的向她借來燒. 如今重聽一次, 可以證明自己的英文進步了, 想像當時舞台的景象~好感動, 眼淚就不禁要掉下來.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
老實說, 我沒看過悲慘世界的小說. 所以, 坐在裡頭將近三個小時, 雖然基本上聽不懂他們演什麼, 唱什麼, 但出來時還是覺得值回票價. 除了音樂好聽, 重點是, 看到紅旗在舞台飄揚就很HIGH.
上午, 一個朋友說她有Les Miserables的原聲帶, 我很興奮的向她借來燒. 如今重聽一次, 可以證明自己的英文進步了, 想像當時舞台的景象~好感動, 眼淚就不禁要掉下來.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!