2010-04-05 21:30:38maureen

day #125: and if your laugh was gold,

(: I really hope I get into norhtwestern summer school

alan get online so we can play tetris as a family rawr,

so my super long weekend was boring:

  • watched Fame, it was pretty good. it's like Step Up / High School Musical just better filmed and a bit more realistic? Iguess. 
  • watched The Hurt Locker which was fairly interesting, ): I saw the body bomb not a pleasant sight at all. 
  • viola lessons, math lessons, theory classes, the usual. 
  • MATH WAS SUPER PRODUCTIVE I didn't know I could do math so fast hahaha I hope I ace the quiz tomorrow. 
  • my uberr painful cramps are acting up again I WILL NOT RESORT TO TAKING PAINKILLERS BLAH.
  • I think I'm going to run out of Twix soon ): I should've bought moree.
  • I hate long holidays I always get super fat from eating
  • celebrated Daddy's birthday last night, MANGO ICE CREAM CAKE FROM BASKIN ROBBINS I'm so blessed to be living in gubei. 
  • I am creating a tetrisfriends.com account right now, I hope I don't get addicted- 

back to school tomorrow (: 
小青 2010-04-06 20:05:37

i thot ure not blogging anymore? r u? if ure i have to start keep tracking on your blog again LOL

I am christy sadface the whole 365 days thing is really bugging me (:
you don't HAVE to keep track lol
I can have a deserted blog that suits me finee :)
2010-04-06 21:18:34