2010-03-11 20:52:26maureen

day #115: purple fingers (cold)

I want this dress :) 

too lazy to find other good pictures 
I have so much homework
plus I want to practice viola


I forgot to bring my folder today
the folder containing all my homework and etc
because I switched bags in the morning


so I was like copying my 新闻报告 on the bus 

it was very panicking worthy


math: told russell :) I feel semi good, I did the right thing. 
chinese: presentation too short, 2 minutes 25 secs sadface. 
studyhall: sold a lot of goody bags, :D earned like 200 kuai +  today, yipee.
english: music, lyrics

I'm going to try and rewrite Try by Asher Book
watch me


my viola misses me 
and damn my fingers are long

everyone please download Lincoln Hawk's Everytime you walk away
it's from GG's season 1 I think hahahaha

Everytime you walk away or run away
you always take a piece of me with you there :) 

Come back to me,
you smile
you laugh
and you make me life complete. 
小青 2010-03-11 21:19:19

i dont want that dress, its so long, but it fits you i guess lmaoo cos u alwyas complain abt how short the dresses are lmaoo,

btw why does he never comment here lmaoo stalker! (you know who im talking about, and maureen this is not really for you, but yeah you can still comment on it lmaoo)

:DD above the knee and below mid-thigh is fine
anything above that shows my chicken like legs (we are not going through this again sadface)

no actually I have no idea - :D
2010-03-11 21:55:00