2010-03-07 12:29:53maureen
day #111: Con quien bailabas

with whom shall I dance,
lol, I bet it's wrong grammar or something, :D
a) I had a very very long convo with quan ytd, made me :) like THIS :DDD
b) I hate it when you make me feel like I have to stab myself,
so he's that one in the million
and I shall do the opposite of what everyone wants, because I want to and nobody's going to stop me, so there.
c) there's really no point of trying when the reason is not worth it,
I'm a firm believer of perseverance will get you somewhere
and yet I give up at the easiest things,
isn't life ironic?
because you wrote love on HER hands,
because you don't make me feel special.
(: trying to figure out the chords for try-asher book,
and christy's got the whole world addicted to that one song
I have to practice the viola
and wendy's not even up yet even though 太陽晒到屁股了啦
megan got lost in the middle of nowhere with no money on the way to the french embassy for french class she is so D:
matthew got sick, and the flu just keeps spreading on and on and on and.
I did so much math :)
chem test!
viola @ 5 today
we're going to sharon's house to bake
wait for the picturess <3