2010-01-31 13:09:58maureen


I was wondering this morning, 

how big is heaven

won't heaven be crowded D: 

because so many people die.

and how do you find people
your loved ones

do they just appear?

and how do you appear.

like what age, 


I mean, what do you do up there?

I know you spend quality time with god,
you look over the people you love. 

I don't want to be forgotten

that's my secret fear, 
being forgotten

I never liked being left out,

I'm also scared of being lost,
can you imagine being lost in heaven? 

will there be a lost and found place?
or a place where you wait for your loved ones to die

can you find your friends?
how do you find your friends, 

I enjoy worrying about the future. 
frances 2010-02-01 00:41:32

whoa super deeep blog post. even deeper than my chinese classes lol

anyway, just commenting, but it felt like you put so much spaces between lines that each line was lonely lol.

i have no answers. all we can do live life to the fullest and hope for the best, i guess .:)

each line was lonely, I like that quote (:

): I'm a born worrier.
2010-02-01 18:51:12