2010-01-20 22:57:41maureen

day #73: he's like sunshine.

"He's like a drug for you, Bella." 

His voice was still gentle, not at all critical. 

"I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." 

The corner of my mouth turned up in a wistful half-smile. 

"I used to think of you that way, you know. 
Like the sun. 
My personal sun. 
You balanced out the clouds nicely for me." 

He sighed. 

"The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse." 

jacob and bella, I think this is eclipse's (: 

[ ] math sums
[ ] chem revision
[ ] english project.


my mum enjoys torturing people 
I hate hate hate hate megan's cries,
they ruin me

  • non-stop laughing with christy LOL 8D
  • [s]history quiz[/s]
  • [s]ultimate frisbee[/s] - I hate it when people are uber competitive - okay, I hate the idea of losing too, but then again I'm used to losing but Sean, lol, (: Sean kept complaining and saying how the teams were rigged, ohwell. he's like a little kid. there are things where I'm not good at yet I still like, there are things and people that tick me off because they enjoy rubbing things in, now that IS HORRIBLE. not to mention fel is a beast! 8D 
  • ohgod chem - D: nervous for test, dubay talked on and on and on, I TRIED SO HARD TODAY, TT
  • orchestra: fooled around, alot, ended up practicing symphony songs with frances (: was talking with yolanda, our awesome quartet: frances, yolanda, me, meg, wendy s, jacquelyn 8DD 

I'm walking on sunshine (: 


frances 2010-01-20 23:22:57

LOL our quartet was awesome but when wendy went to join the cellos we couldn't hear each other at all XDD

and it was fun listening to everyone play christmas songs.

lol you should just let go in PE :D have some fun and be carefree and spontaneous. its a great stress-reliver class for me cause im always fooling around and hyper XD

but yes i hate it when people are super competitive too .

and im sure you did fine on your chem test :D you studied hard and hard work pays off :D:D

8D truee.

HAHAHAHAHAHA tell that to Sean (:
I enjoy just running,

but nobody said it was fun to lose! (:

- chem test tmr uber nervous!
2010-01-21 22:06:58