2009-12-19 20:41:07maureen

ode to joy, NOT

will blog more about this later, have to practice viola now

I WROTE EVERY SINGLE DETAIL DOWN, and called christy the first thing I left the arcade.

you're so patethic you make me laugh





repeat over and over and over again you broken record.

sorry did I mention I HATE HATE HATE your blog skin

gives me seizures





see my mind reading skills, I know you're crying

(if you're not) wish you were

I thought it was christy who exaggerated

but now I see the light! ;D


and don't call joan your sis ;D she shared a bumper car with me

but guess what (: she didn't want to share it with you

ohbtw, you're not a p6 rubian. keyou was like at least FWENDS with ppl from our class


aaron and I were all like ZOMG ing behind your back WHY ARE YOU SO PATETHIC :D

you make my day. well, at least you're of entertainment use.
just stop whining so much. 

now you don't have me

scratch that

you never had me. :D


why were you eyes so queer that day 

will continue later. (: 

in the full bailian + SAS cloud 9 hangout entry

ttyl people

小青 2010-01-04 20:51:56

hahas nice one :p 我最恨告密者。最恨backstabber like her wth. you dont even need to tell marilyn okay. and marilyn please u do not noe what is going on here, and so you do not have the rights to say anything. and marilyn seriously, we have the rights to say whatever we want to and just leave us alone. kill me if you wish, but i hate her still.

Marilyn 2009-12-29 03:03:52

"If you're a christian be a light for others, shine and show them what christians are like. Cause I'm sure a proper Christian doesn't hate their neighbours, who are you to judge that poor girl? Where's the holy spirit in you Maureen? If she means nothing to you, why do you think you mean something to her? Therefore, I don't think she cares if she has you or not, cause she knows she has God and I,willing to stand up for her when injustice comes. So think again before you kill someone verbally cause you're a sister in Christ to me, show your non christian friends the way. Don't be a stumbling block to them so be grateful especially christmas just pass. Dont be a hypocrite.


1. cough- okay Marilyn I'm really glad Jingyi has a friend like you.

2. You weren't there to witness the whole incident so you can't judge that accurately.

okay, I'm not perfect, and there's a tiny part of me inside that's rly ugly.

I never said I was perfect,

and yes, maybe I was a tad bit mean to Jingyi,

and hey, I already forgot about this post, if you didn't reply I would have placed it in the back of mind, forgotten, in the past.

last time I checked Christians didn't swear either Marilyn D:


and if I was 13,
Jingyi would be 6 (:

a late merry christmas to you, Marilyn (:
2009-12-29 22:58:06
Marilyn 2009-12-29 02:29:51

I don't get it.. You're 15 right? I've seen little childish girls writing their blogs like that at the age of 13.. If you don't like her, why bother reading her blog... && Aren't all girls suppose to have compassion? You wished she was crying? Why do you want to become a murderer of people's emotions? I thought you were a sweet girl, just like Christy. You both have just proved me wrong in this situation. How do people stand her? Well, I stand her and how? Its with LOVE. I'm not that free to go around bitching about others on my blog cause I'm busy loving all my friends the same. They might have flaws I don't like at times but hey, I'm not perfect and so are you. No one is, unless you're God. You can laugh like retards at my comment since you laugh at Jingyi's blog post but let me tell you, I don't give a shit either cause if you did laugh, that just proves your sense of humour is far from mine and you're not worthy to be acknowledge like how you didn't know that she exist cause you might have been blind. I'm sure she's not any smaller than a mouse. Leave her alone already and grow up you two please cause you guys aren't even in SSIS anymore and you still want to pick on her? Don't like her, keep it and bitch to each other, don't waste my time like this standing up for a friend I care for.