2004-08-07 21:32:23Marisa

Updated Status - 07 Aug 2004

As updated on 07 August 2004, at 12:15pm,
the amount of fund we've raised is HK$ 7091 (altogether)

Details of transcation between
31 July 2004 12:15pm and 07 August 2004 12:15pm are as follows:

1. 100
2. 209
3. 2
4. 200

If anyone banked in money during the above period but cannot find the transaction here, please let us know.

Thank you everyone.


For the details of the ceremony on coming Tuesday, please refer to the post "about the ceremony". Or contact anyone of us via the contact information below.

We all know Marisa loves being crowded by people..so please try to come on Tuesday. Yet, we understand that many of you may not be able to show up as its on weekday. We are now trying to organize a 祈禱會 for Marisa in SMCC. We have not yet confirmed details with school yet, but will immediately let everyone know as long as we have confirmed date and time. The time should be easier for everyone. It may be on weekends..we are not sure yet. So please come and visit this page from time to time in order to get the latest information.

Thank you.

Virginia Chan

Samantha Li

Eunice Yeung