2004-07-28 01:24:06Marisa

Updated status - 27 July 2004

As updated on 27 July 2004 at 4:30pm,

we've collected HK$1,190
with a total number of 3 transactions

1: HK$500
2: HK$190
3: HK$500

if any of u have banked in before 4:30pm and cannot find the amount u banked in here, please let us know.

Thank you everyone. We'll try to 打簿 everyday before dayend and post up details for everyone's reference.

For the ceremony on the 10th of August..it should be held early in the morning and should not take too long..as we are not going to stay in a hall or anything..it'll just be a simple religious ceremony before they place marisa's "ash"..So, please try to come if you can..(take a half day off maybe)

We'll post details up here after we confirm with 圓玄學院.