2011-04-06 06:16:03Janice


(1) DXB--ACC (杜拜到迦納)

During boarding, a J class pax asked crew to put her luggage in the hatrack.

Crew:" Madame, I have back injury, sorry I can't lift it alone......"

This young African lady said:" You have to lift my luggage, you are my worker!"


(2) ABJ--ACC, half load. (象牙海岸到迦納)

In Y class, an African lady asked crew:

"I don't like the passengers around me, can you block few rows around my seat?"


(3) DXB--BKK (杜拜到曼谷)

An economy class passenger came onboard, asked the purser for upgrade.

" Sir, it's 3000 USD to upgrade to business class."

Of course it's too expensive, this passenger told the purser:

"How about I give you 500 USD, you put me in business class seat, and  invite all the crew to have X'mas dinner with me?"


(4) BKK--SYD (曼谷到雪梨)

A captain was passengering in first class, he seemed not in the mood.

Crew went ot take the order.

Captain:" Do you have muffins?"

" No, sorry, it's lunch service on this sector, so we don't have muffins. But I can offer you some dessert from the menu. The cold dessert is green tea cream pudding, and the hot dessert......(crew forgot)...let me check....."

Captain:" Don't you know your menu?"

We warned the next crew about him.

Next sector.

Crew went to take the order.

A blonde crew: "What would you like to drink?"

Captain: "Orange juice."

Due to captain's Auzzie accent, crew wasn't sure, "I beg your pardon?"

Captain:" Can't you speak English?"


持久液 2020-02-26 02:00:26
