2009-02-22 14:06:25Janice



Emirates eyes opportunities amid global crisis

byRob Morris  on Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Emirates Airline on Wednesday revealed its expansion plan for 2009 in preparation for a “challenging” year.

The Dubai airline’s chairman and chief executive, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, announced that the carrier was adopting a more cautious approach following years of rapid growth.

“The next year is not going to be an easy ride for the airline industry,” he said. “Emirates has prepared the best we can for the challenges we foresee, but we also see it as a time of opportunity.

"2009, with our significant capacity increase, will be a year of consolidation for us, with fewer new routes launched than in previous years.

“Instead, we will concentrate on strengthening our presence on routes where there is a greater demand from our customers. All of our new capacity will be deployed in markets where we see growth potential, particularly Africa and the Middle East.”

Despite the slowdown, Emirates expects to receive 23 previously ordered aircraft by March 31 next year. The deliveries comprise 11 A380s, 10 Boeing 777-300ERs, one 200LR and one Boeing 777-freighter.

The aircraft will increase fleet capacity by 14 percent and boost the airline’s fleet to 152 planes.

Emirates said it will deploy some of the new aircraft on its Los Angeles and San Francisco routes. Both services will go from thrice weekly to daily in May, with more than 2000 extra seats available.  

Elsewhere, the carrier is expected to deploy A380s on its Dubai–Seoul and Dubai–Singapore services in November and December respectively.

On Oct. 1, Emirates is launching flights to Durban in South Africa. The route will be served by a two-class, 278-seat Airbus A330-200.

Additional services to Amman, Riyadh, Jeddah Kuwait and Damascus have already been introduced as part of Emirates’ plan to provide 50,000 seats on 180 weekly flights across the Middle East. Meanwhile, the airline increased the number of daily flights to Brisbane and Melbourne to 63 on Feb.1  

Indian services have also been increased, with Emirates adding 32 weekly flights since last November. The carrier now provides 163 flights to 10 Indian gateways.

Emirates’ fastest growing markets are Africa and the Middle East, which recorded 17 and six percent growth respectively during the past 12 months.

In response to the growth, Emirates recently added a second daily flight to Lagos.

上面文章來源: Arabian Business

sstbthw 2009-05-02 02:45:58

關於杜拜機場被棄車塞爆的新聞,Gulf News 報的更絕。該報稱,被棄置的車內還放這被刷爆的信用卡,及車主深表遺憾的道歉信........

這種事呢,杜拜的銀行最倒楣了....錢都要不回來.... 2009-05-21 17:37:23
cc 2009-03-03 14:23:24

恩 我喜歡聽到一切有關杜拜的好消息!

小豬 2009-02-27 08:04:30

怎麼就都沒有航空公司飛台北直飛杜拜咧? 想要去杜拜就一定得轉機 ...? CI飛阿布達比後 聽說BR要飛DUBAI 但是就是只聞樓梯響 不見飛機飛...
另外 我曾經看過報導 阿布達比的石油還可以開採100年左右(沙烏地阿拉伯大概只有40~50年) 阿聯90%的石油在阿布達比 它還有天然氣是全世界第5大 難怪 在這金融海嘯之下 它的建設可以繼續 而且還能夠金援杜拜
曾經有朋友問我 DUBAI負面消息這麼多 它會不會變成第二個冰島 我很肯定的跟我朋友說 ”不會” 因為 地理位置不同(DUBAI有太多的轉運) 再加上它只是一個阿聯酋的城市 並不是一個國家 它還有一個非常有錢的大哥--阿布達比

唉,CI快要停飛阿布達比了..... 2009-03-01 11:20:12