2004-07-08 18:54:38愛上拿鐵的奶茶


We take English for granted.

But when we explore its paradoxes.

Sometimes I think the language is very ridiculous.

If you read it carefully,you'll find many double-meaning words.

So I think all English speaks should be committed to an asylum.

There's no egg in eggplant.

Neither pine nor apple in pineapple.

And no ham is hamburger..

Nor French fries in France.

And you can lie while you're standing

Or sit while you're lying.

Be happy but not gay;

when feeling happy is feeling gay?

How can quiet a lot as the same as quiet a few ?

While a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

IN conclusion,May I say.....

that the craziness of English??

That's why when the stars are out,

they are visible.

when the lights are out,

they are invisible.

ANd why,

when I wind up my watch.

I start it.

but I wind up my article.

I end it.

p.s 文法會不會都是錯誤的呀??這是第一次嘗試囉~~~多多包涵~~~