【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Haunted toilet馬桶「卡到陰」
《中英對照讀新聞》Haunted toilet馬桶「卡到陰」
A Kent librarian wants an exorcist called in to sort out a haunted lavatory.
Gordon Jenns, 61, who has worked at Gravesend library for 14 years, says the ghost flushes the toilet when he thinks everyone’s gone home.
"It’s happened three times in the past 11 years, always around seven o’clock on a Friday," he told the Bexley Times.
"It’s very off-putting. The first time it happened I thought someone had broken in the back door so I went with something very heavy in my hand to give them a warm welcome.
"I’m absolutely certain the toilet flushed itself. The door was locked and the cistern was still filling up when I went in.
"I’m an ex-marine and not prone to hallucinations. I’m guessing the poor fellow only wants to relieve himself."
haunted:鬧鬼的,為haunt的過去分詞。例句:The old castle is said to be haunted. (那座古堡據說鬧鬼。)
exorcist:名詞,驅除惡魔的法師。經典恐怖電影「大法師」英文片名即為The Exorcist。
off-putting : 令人厭惡的。例句:Her sleazy gossip was very off-putting. (她那低級的閒話令人倒胃口。)
relieve oneself: 原意是「放鬆自己」,俚語中則是「上廁所」的委婉說法。其他同義的婉稱還有︰go to the men’s(ladie’s)room/restroom/washroom 或wash one’s hands。
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