【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Hey it’s a hospital. No horses allowed喂!這
《中英對照讀新聞》Hey it’s a hospital. No horses allowed喂!這是醫院,馬兒禁入
◎ 魏國金
A man hoping to cheer up an ailing relative at Wilcox Memorial Hospital hadn’t considered one of the visitation rules: No horses allowed.
The man thought the patient would enjoy seeing his stallion, said Lani Yukimura, a spokeswoman at the hospital. He and the horse entered the hospital earlier this month and rode an elevator up to the third floor, where they were met and stopped by security personnel.
Security managed to get the man and the horse out of the hospital, with "just a few scuff marks," she said.
The hospital has a pet visitation policy, but it’s for dogs and cats, not horses. "On Kauai, we have a very warm inviting atmosphere at Wilcox," Yukimura said. "We just hope people understand this is not a place for a horse."
The man’s good intentions were further dashed when his relative was brought out to see the horse. "That’s not my horse," the patient said to hospital staff.
cheer up︰振作起來、使感到安慰。例句︰The letter cheered him up.(這封信使他感到寬慰。)
manage (to)︰設法做到、勉力完成。例句︰I’ll manage to come on Friday.(星期五我一定設法來。)
dash︰使(希望、計畫等)破滅、使沮喪、使洩氣。例句︰The rain dashed our plan for hiking.(下雨使我們的健行計畫泡湯。)