2008-05-02 21:12:40 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Louisiana lawmakers reject making Sazerac

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Louisiana lawmakers reject making Sazerac official state cocktail路州議員否決把薩澤拉克列為州雞尾酒


A proposal to honor the New Orleans cocktail known as the Sazerac has gone down the drain.


The Louisiana Senate rejected legislation that would have made the whiskey-based beverage the official cocktail of the U.S. state.


A Sazerac contains whiskey, sugar, bitters and absinthe, or a substitute anise-flavored liquor.


The bill’s author, Senator Ed Murray, noted that the drink has become world famous.


But Senator Buddy Shaw and others said it was inappropriate to honor an alcoholic beverage. Three other senators said passing the bill would "send the wrong message" about the state.


The legislation failed by a vote of 27-8. Five of its supporters represent the New Orleans area.



go down the drain:片語,徒勞無功;浪費;變得沒價值;消失或終止存在。drain,名詞,排水設備;排水流洩;消耗用罄。其他使用drain的片語,如laugh like a drain,大笑。例句:She laughed like a drain when she knew what had happened.(當她知道發生了什麼事之後大笑不已。)

×××-based:以╳╳╳為基礎,為總部。例句:This renowned institute is a Washington-based, private, non-profit, and non-partisan research organization dedicated to policy research on the major economic and social issues.(這家知名的研究中心是一個以華府為總部、以重大社經議題之政策研究為宗旨的私人、非營利、無黨派的研究團體。)
