【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Satnavs ’damage 2,000 bridges per year’衛星
Sat-navs ’damage 2,000 bridges per year’
Satellite navigation devices have been blamed for causing millions of pounds worth of damage to railway crossings and bridges.
Network Rail claims 2,000 bridges are hit every year by lorries that have been directed along inappropriate roads for their size.
They said the damage and disruption has cost the rail industry £10 million a year and causes 5,000 hours of delays.
Rail bosses have appealed to drivers to pay attention to road signs warning them of hazards ahead rather than trusting their GPS systems.
PJ Taylor, from Network Rail, said in the last few years the number of vehicles hitting bridges had increased sharply.
He said: “Sat-navs are a great tool but they are not an alternative for keeping your wits about you and obeying the rules of the road.”
He added that talks were now under way with satellite navigation companies about how to resolve the problem. Network Rail said it was attempting to map the UK’s low bridges and level crossings so that information could be fed into sat-nav software.
hazard:名詞,危險;危害物。例句 A soldier’s life is full of hazards.
under way:片語,已經開始並進行著。例句:This project is under way. (這件企畫正進行中。)
keep one’s wits about one:片語,保持機警,臨危不亂。 例句:Keep your wits about you and swim to shore. (保持冷靜,游到岸邊。)
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