【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Green aliens, UFOs said to visit/綠色外星人跟幽浮
《中英對照讀新聞》Green aliens, UFOs said to visit/綠色外星人跟幽浮 據說來訪過
Aliens from outer space have been visiting Britain for years and UFO sightings doubled after the film Close Encounters was released in 1977, according to secret files collating reports by members of the public.
The alien craft come in all shapes, sizes and colors but their occupants are uniformly green, the Ministry of Defence files show.
The archives are the first batch of a four-year release programme of all the ministry’s UFO files from 1978 to the present day.
The ministry dismisses 90 percent of the reports as having mundane explanations and leave 10 percent with a question mark and the assurance they are no defence threat.
A 1983 report from a 78-year-old out fishing at midnight tells of following aliens in green overalls on to a spaceship and then being told to go away because he was too old and decrepit for their purposes.
Two years later, a typewritten letter to the ministry tells of an alien spaceship being shot down in the river Mersey in northern England by another spacecraft and of the author developing a warm friendship with an alien called Algar.
UFO:unidentified flying object,原意為無法確認的(不明)飛行物體,一般音譯為幽浮。
decrepit:形容詞,衰老的、東倒西歪的、破舊的。decrepit chair/room,老舊不堪的椅子/房間。
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