【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉 振作起來 Get one’s act together
【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉 振作起來 Get one’s act together
文/Dr.J.J. 圖/老唐
有時候,看到別人精神萎靡、垂頭喪氣的,我們常會鼓勵對方要「振作起來」,然而,英文裡類似的用法會說”get one’s act together”(把動作連接起來吧)。
在這裡,act除了當作動詞外,也可以用來當做一種表演或是行動。所謂「人生如戲」,既然要演(act)至少也要演得一氣呵成,這裡動一下,那裡停一下,哪還成得了一齣戲呢?所以,當我們叫別人”get one’s act together”時,就是要別人有組織一點(Be organized!),也就是要對方振作起來,好好工作,或者是好好生活的意思。
Johnny:So what shall we do for TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)?
Ivy:Let’s go check out the new lounge bar around the corner
Ivy:我們去那家新開的lounge bar看看。
Claire:Wow, it’s so cool. I passed it by the other day and there were so many people waiting to get in. It must be fabulous!
Johnny:It’s probably better we call now to book a room there first.
Ivy:We should! Remember one of my clients distributes all the high-end champagne and wine from France? I can call them for some at staff rate.
Claire:Wow, you’re always so resourceful. Just what we need for TGIF.
Manager:Excuse me! It’s only 10 AM now and you’re already thinking about tonight. Our sales is so low this month. The headquarter just called 10 minutes ago asking me what we’ll be doing.
Johnny:We know, but it’s Friday…
Manager:Before you go enjoy your Friday evening, I suggest you all get your act together and think what can be done ASAP(As Soon As Possible).