【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉 玩真的 Mean business!
文/Dr.J.J. 圖/老唐
所以當我們想要表達自己是很正經的在講述個人想法,同時也希望對方能清楚了解自己的立場時,就會說”mean business”──玩真的!言下之意,就是要對方別呼攏了事。
Roger:Do you think we should meet up sometime again next week to make sure all is on the right track?
Alex:But why? We’ ve got a PR agency to look after the whole event.
Roger:I know, but even so, we still need to make a check list with them. All the big guys from headquarter will participate. We just can’ t afford to have any flaw.
Alex:Hey, take it easy. This is not the first time we’ re holding this kind of function and it’ s just a casual gathering.
Roger:I don’ t think you understand what this means to our company. When the boss said we need to do something to build up our brand awareness, he meant business.
Alex:But I thought it’ s just to invite some celebrities and certain people from the head office to join
Roger:It’ s not just about getting people together, it’ s the media exposure we should aim for and, on top of everything, sales that this whole thing should generate.
Alex:I know what you mean now!
上一篇:【在生活中學習語言】Personal Banker Interview(Part IV) 理財專員面試篇(四)
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