【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Lavender ’takes edge off horror’ 薰衣草減輕恐怖的
Taking a deep sniff of lavender before you settle down for a horror film might stop you getting so scared - but only if you are a woman, a study has found.
研究發現,看恐怖片之前,深深吸一口薰衣草的味道,可以讓你沒那麼害怕 ——不過這只對女性有用。
Men should avoid the smell unless they crave a more unsettling experience, a paper being presented to the British Psychological Society suggests.
Volunteers were given either capsules containing lavender or a placebo. Their physiological responses to neutral, scary and light-hearted film clips were then observed.
Women who took lavender had an increased heart rate variation - an indicator of a more relaxed state - during all three films.
Aromatherapy is rooted in the idea that certain fragrant smells can stimulate the limbic system - the emotion-related parts of the brain - causing changes in the function of the body and mind.
take the edge off:片語,減少某種令人不悅、不舒服的感覺或影響。例句:Have an apple - it’ll take the edge off your hunger.(吃個蘋果吧,你就沒那麼餓了。)
sniff:動詞/名詞,嗅,聞。例句:Have a sniff of this medicine - it smells revolting, doesn’t it?(聞聞看這個藥,味道是不是很惡心?)
crave:動詞,渴望獲得。例句:Many young children crave attention.(許多小孩渴求獲得注意。)
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