【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Teen depression ’linked to sleep’ 青少年憂鬱與睡
Going to bed earlier protects teenagers against depression and suicidal thoughts, New York research suggests. Of 15,500 12 to 18-year-olds studied, those who went to bed after midnight were 24% more likely to have depression than those who went before 2200.
And those who slept fewer than five hours a night had a 71% higher risk of depression than those who slept eight hours, the journal Sleep reports. It is estimated 80,000 UK children and young people have depression.
睡眠期刊報導,每天晚上睡不到5小時的人,罹患憂鬱症的比率,比睡8小時的人高71%。 據估計,英國約有8萬名孩童與年輕人有憂鬱症。
The researchers from Columbia University Medical Center in New York looked at data from 15,500 teenagers collected in the 1990s. One in 15 of those studied were found to have depression.
As well as the higher risk of depression, those who were set a bedtime by their parents of after midnight were 20% more likely to think about suicide than those whose bedtime was 2200 or earlier.
Those who had less than five hours sleep a night were thought to have a 48% higher risk of suicidal thoughts compared with those who had eight hours of sleep.
midnight:名詞,午夜。burn/consume the midnight oil指挑燈夜讀、熬夜工作、開夜車。
bedtime:名詞,就寢時間。例句:Eleven o’clock is past my bedtime.
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