2008-02-26 18:57:05【 薇薇 】〃
plan....(sleep over)
因為要over night
太興奮 到至...I forget to bring cloth to change
to bad >////<
plan of sleep over at wanen’s house
1.after period 8 meet at locker
2.go to dig the secrt out ˙ˇ˙
3.go changing room to take the shower
4.join the disco
5.buy some DVD and the disk for wii
6.eat for dinner or order food and eat at wanen’s house with watch movie
7.play card or say some story
10.shower again
11.go to....room and sleep :)
PS: CL and Wanen fix this up
I don’t know what can we do else
so...think about it
因為要over night
太興奮 到至...I forget to bring cloth to change
to bad >////<
plan of sleep over at wanen’s house
1.after period 8 meet at locker
2.go to dig the secrt out ˙ˇ˙
3.go changing room to take the shower
4.join the disco
5.buy some DVD and the disk for wii
6.eat for dinner or order food and eat at wanen’s house with watch movie
7.play card or say some story
10.shower again
11.go to....room and sleep :)
PS: CL and Wanen fix this up
I don’t know what can we do else
so...think about it
erm, whatever la...
whenever i go to wan en`s house, there are gonna be something fun!! hehe:) her house is so so exciting!! hehe:)... oh yeah, we can have supper, i might bring malaysia`s instant noodles tomorrow... so we can plan to have supper after playing cards! and i might plan to tell you guys some stories if possible!!