2018-03-03 15:03:36manninbyrd

沃德直銷參加 2018 年國際消費電子展CES:健康手環 給



今年沃德直銷公司World Technology Corp.帶著最新健康手環首次參加世界上最重要的技術博覽會—在拉斯維加斯舉行的CES。
沃德直銷公司World Technology Corp.借此一機會推出了2018年健康手環的整個產品糸列,產品揭幕震驚了在場人們。
令人醒目的Helo LX是展台上的明星之一。

過去一年半裡,Helo LX一直是健康手環可穿戴技術的重點項目之一,全天候監測您最重要的生理參數。沃德直銷公司 Helo LX健康手環以其Open API平台開發了一個新領域,成千上萬的app開發者開始建構獨立的app。
如果這聽起來不可思議,Helo系列的最新成員Helo LX+將令人感到興奮。由於LX的成功,新的Helo LX+提高了可穿戴技術的水準。伴隨著新成果及注重細節,Helo LX+配備了一套新的傳感器,代表您的原始資料得到更好的準確性和更為深入的分析。
新的UV傳感器也加入到產品中。Open API 2.0提供開發人員以前所未有的新方法來開發應用程式。

另一個令人興奮的是非侵入性血糖偵測方法。透過現場演示,World Technology Corp.展示了驅動複雜算法的原理。在沃德直銷公司的攤位上,由我們的醫生和工程師建造的「黑盒子」展示這項革命性技術的基本原理,為即將到來的Helo系列裝置提供了新展望。

結合Helo LX或LX+,Helo手環展延器將成為第一個即時的、非侵入式血糖偵測裝置(LX有3個偵測等級,LX+有9個偵測等級)。
Helo手環展延器採用常見手指血氧濃度計的形式,但與所有Helo裝置一樣既時尚又酷炫。展延器很容易與Helo配對,提供一個給合手腕上和手指上傳感器的測量方法。它與Helo LX+的完美結合為血糖偵測提供了9個等級,在同業中真正起了改變的作用。
這項科技在Helo LX Pro—World Technology Corp.第一個獲器材許可的裝置上,讓人最印象深刻。

Helo LX Pro將LX、LX+及展延器的生命感應技術結合在同一個裝置中。有了LX Pro,您不須要展延器得到這個革命性的測量方法,只須要放心的穿戴裝置即可。
在世界科技公司的攤位上,還有一台機器用來展示新型滲透酒精傳感器的工作原理。這個搭配2019年沃德直銷公司發布的Helo 2傳感器,是另一個可穿戴技術的驚人革命,也讓World Technology Corp.成為市場的領導者。

沃德直銷公司(World Technology Corp.同時慶賀有關BioZen取得第一等級器材官方認證的重要消息。這項公告是在展會前幾天發出的,是World Technology Corp.改變世界的另一個象徵)。
四天內有10,000人到場,CES裡的48351號攤位是可穿戴裝置領域中最有趣的其中一個攤位。World Technology Corp.將為可穿戴設備和個人裝置領域帶來最新的願景,為明年指出一條明確的道路。

CES 2018: Four Days of Amazing Excitement LAS VEGAS, 01/12/2018 This year started out right for World Technology Corp with its first-time attendance at CES in Las Vegas, the most important technology fair in the world. World Technology Corp took the chance to unveil to the public its entire lineup for 2018, and its astonishing unveilings shocked the attendees. Helo LX was one of the stars of the booth with its recognizable shape. During the last year and a half, Helo LX has been one of the keystones of wearable technology, monitoring your most important bio parameters 24/7. Developed with AI and Machine Learning technologies, Helo LX has opened a new frontier with its Open API platform, where thousands of developers have started to create independent apps. If this sounds amazing to you, Helo LX+, the newest member of the Helo family, will blow your mind. Based on the success of LX, the new Helo LX+ raises the bar of the wearable technology. With new finishings and careful attention to detail, Helo LX+ comes with a new set of clinical-grade sensors that mean a better accuracy and a deeper analysis of your raw data. A new UV sensor has also been added, and the complete sets offer also to the developers a new way to build applications never imagined before, thanks to the Open API 2.0. The 24/7-monitoring, real-time device now has a new flagship. Another exciting unveiling was that of the non-invasive Sugar Trend measurement. World Technology Corp unveiled the principle that drives the sophisticated algorithm through a live demo. At our booth, a “blackbox” built by our physicians and engineers showed how basic the principles of this otherwise revolutionary technology are, offering a new perspective for the upcoming devices of the Helo family. Helo Extense will be the first device to have these benefits. Combined with Helo LX or LX+, Helo Extense will be the first, real, non-invasive Sugar Trend measurement device (with three levels of trend on the LX and nine levels of trend on LX+). Helo Extense takes the form of a common oximeter for your finger, but it is stylish and cool, just like all the Helo devices. Extense is easy to pair with your Helo, and it offers a combination of measurements using both the sensors on your wrist and on your finger. Its perfect marriage with the Helo LX+ offers nine levels of measurement for the Sugar Trend, making it a real game-changer into the industry. All of this technology reaches its most impressive in the Helo LX Pro, the first World Technology Corp device created to obtain the medical device license. Helo LX Pro combines the life-sensing technology of the LX, LX+, and Extense in one device. With LX Pro, you don’t need Extense to get this revolutionary measurement: all you have to do is wear it and get your peace of mind. At the World Technology Corp booth, there was also a machine to demonstrate how the new Transdermal Alcohol Sensor works. Hosted by the Helo 2 that will be released in 2019, this sensor will be another amazing revolution for wearable technology, electing World Technology Corp as leader of this market. All the attendees also checked the amazing numbers of our Big Data monitor that showed, in real time, all the numbers and parameters collected by Helo devices all around the world. (World Technology Corp also celebrated the important news of BioZen’s official certification as a Medical Device Class 1. This announcement came a few days before the show, another signal that World Technology Corp is changing the market). With 10,000 attendees in four days, the booth number 48351 of CES was one of the most interesting in the wearable area. It developed a clear path for next year when World Technology Corp will bring its newest vision for the wearable and personal device area. See you next year. See you on the path of innovation.

沃德直銷 健康手環 拉斯維加斯

原文網址:http://myheloaustralia.com.au/ces-2018-four-days-of-amazing-excitement/ 沃德健康手環 沃德直銷