2006-10-01 15:30:58彩色人生

Anak - Child...孩子


Anak 為菲律賓原創的一首歌,後來翻成英文歌也就是直譯 Child之後也就是翻唱成中文的你的影子, 這是一首耳熟能詳的歌曲,欣賞這首歌曲時只把它當成一般歌曲傳唱

Anak 菲律賓語就是孩子的意思,之所以有這首歌最主要就是反應當時菲律賓的社會現象,菲庸勞力輸出全世界已非近日之事,姑且不論菲庸血淚史,單是在菲國境內造成的社會問題就已經是非常嚴重的現象,想想我們所接觸過的菲庸大部份都是為人妻、為人母、甚至是為人子女,她們放下家庭遠渡重洋做一份工作無非是想要幫住家人免於貧窮之苦,而事實往往是無法兩全,試想小孩脫離了母親的懷抱,少了母親溫暖的臂膀
Anak 的原創歌詞
Original Tagalog Lyrics

Nu'ng isilang ka sa mundong ito Laking tuwa ng magulang mo
At ang kamay nila, ang iyong ilaw At ang nanay at tatay mo'y
'Di malaman ang gagawin Minamasdan pati pagtulog mo.
At sa gabi'y napupuyat ang iyong nanay Sa pagtimpla ng gatas mo
At sa umaga nama'y kalong ka ng iyong amang Tuwang-tuwa sa iyo.

Ngayon ng malaki ka na Nais mo'y maging malaya
'Di man sila payag walang magagawa Ikaw nga ay biglang nagbago
Naging matigas ang iyong ulo At ang payo nila'y sinuway mo.
Di mo man lang inisip na Ang kanilang ginagawa'y para sa iyo
'Pagkat ang nais mo'y masunod ang layaw mo "Di mo sila pinapansin.

Nagdaan pa ang mga araw At ang landas mo'y naligaw
Ikaw ay nalulong sa masamang bisyo At ang una mong nilapitan
Ang iyong inang lumuluha At ang tanong "Anak, ba't ka nagkaganyan?"
Pagsisisi at sa isip mo'y nalaman mong Ikaw'y nagkamali.
Pagsisisi at sa isip mo'y nalaman mong Ikaw'y nagkamali.

In English:

On the day that you were bom Your parents were the happiest And their hands were your guiding light And your mother and father excited to take care of you
In the middle of the night your mom gets up To change you and prepara your milk
And in the morning your dad sits you on his lap

And just can't get enough of you And now that you're an adult You want your freedom though they disagree with you There's nothing they can do You've changed so much since then You never seem to listen Ignoring their advice and reminders

It never even crossed your mind, everything they say and do They do 'cause they care for you And all you cared about is yourself There's nothing else you see but being free And as more years went by You've completely lost track ef your path
You found yourseff craving For the pills that calm you down

And now you run to your mother Weeping and brokenhearted They ask you "My child, why? What have you become?" You fait their pain, didn't know what to say
A tear just rolled down your cheek Regretting all you 've done You've realized your mistakes



When you were born into this world Your mom and dad saw a dream fulfilled Dream come true The answer to their prayers
You were to them a special child Gave 'em joy every time you smiled
Each time you cried They're at your side to care
Child, you don't know You'll never know how far they'd go To give you all their love can give To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you here
How many seasons came and went So many years have now been spent
For time ran fast And now at last you're strong
Now what has gotten over you You seem to hate your parents too
Do speak out your mind Why do you find them wrong
※ Child you don't know You'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you near
And now your path has gone astray Child you ain't sure what to do or say
You're so alone No friends are on your side
And child you now break down in tears Let them drive away your fears
Where must you go Their arms stay open wide
( Repeat ※ )

妳的影子 作詞:莊奴 作曲:Agoilar

妳的影子在我腦海裡 轉來轉去轉不停 那樣大方 那樣的美麗
好像在哪裡在哪裡 我曾偶然見過你 印象深刻 教人難忘記

不論何時何地也記得 你的愛永存在心底
我倆手指相扣在一起 誓言要生死永不渝

妳的影子在我的夢裡 晃來晃去晃不停 那樣熱情 那樣的有力
就從現在現在起 我倆永遠不分離 幸福快樂 永遠相偎依

不論何時何地也記得 你的愛永存在心底
我倆手指相扣在一起 誓言要生死永不渝



里夢 2006-10-02 00:20:19
