2006-07-13 09:49:49我是好小孩

~小雅~I’m lovin’ it

It has been a week from the first time I got the class
everybody was very nice
roommates,teachers,classmates,even the clerk
they will help you anytime,anyplace
I like here---EF,
no matter where are you from...
we just like a big,big family
we learn together,live together,eat together
it's a cool experience to me

the pace at here is slow
even I get the class
I thought that I'm still relax
it's free to do anything
I like this
I can't figure out
why are you guys are in a rush in Taipei...now(ha ha XD)
it's totally diferrent

anyway,everything is interesting
and I'm lovin' it

上一篇:~小雅~MOVIE time
