2006-07-07 08:18:45我是好小孩

~小雅~class time

this morning,I got the class schedule
I'm in Level 6,not bad
my classes were in evening
so I got back to the dorm to sleep

the first class was <English in Film 2>
it was a little bit hard
cause the students were older than me
and they also from different countries
sum vocabularies were new to me
but when teacher explain it
I could understand what she said
so I thought I could handle it

the second class talked about the history of U.S.A and George Washington
and we also discussed about the resume's contents
it was so cool
our homeworks
1.to write an own resume
2.to write a diary everyday

in the evening,Rachel,Jessica and I
went to the groceries store to buy sum fruits
then,Rachel got back to the dorm first
Jessica and I just like a mom to tell her don't get lost...etc
then we went to the mall to buy a coat

it's time to go back to the dorm but I saw the wrong time schedule of the bus
so when we were at the dorm,it's almost 11 p.m
Rachel was so nervous that she almost to tell the teacher

it's too late,and I got to write my homework,bye!