2006-11-06 04:21:44Magichero

Anchor Deletion Approval

Anchor 對心理健康百害無一利,且令自己越用越不愉快,將其刪除,志在必行

P S what do you mean by anchor?
Anchor is a psychological term that refer to an explanation of an abstract concept, which is like the ‘trigger’ of a programme. The ‘trigger’ start the programme that somehow let a person change into an unnatural state once he/she get to receive a signal from somebody, no matter in what form. May be just listen to one’s voice or hear any news related to a special person, a special music or look at a special color, you will get into abnormal situation. Such signal make a nerve impulse to your brain, and you may do something good or bad. For instance, sometimes you are in hot to work throughout the days , sometimes you may take shampoo as a body cleaner during shower or shaving foam become tooth paste. It’s a subconscious change and not to be easily noticed by yourself. Very FUNNY@!

Anchor ‘s nature:
1. It’s hardly setting-up, and the percentage of hits is low, as continuous stimulation of the nerve fiber untill the reaction saved
2. Once it is installed, it’s easy to be unconsciously misused
3. And last but not the least, it is invulnerable, i.e. NOT easy to be removed after painfully trained as the nerve fiber make abnormal become normal reaction!