2010-01-07 20:16:22Babe Maggie

Hello 2010

Hello, Hello~

time flies, it's 2010!! OMG~ im turing to 27 this year @@" Well,  I should cheer up to face this brand new year!! YA, it's a rock n roll style, too!

So far there're some good news..

First of all, Raymond finally comes to Taiwan for joinig our company....although he looks kinda nervous these days...but it's begining tho...I think he will get used to our beautiful Formosa and love it soon!

Second, my dear lover told me that she's in a good relationship now!!! Im so so happy for her...finally....she deserves it!! Hong Kongnese guy are always good and thoughtful....hahahaha...wat a good news I get in very begining 2010!!

I would like to thanks God for taking care of me and all my love ones in 2009.     2010年也請您多多指教阿! 我最大的新年願望就是, 我跟我所有愛的人都跟2009一樣健康快樂!