2008-03-10 14:02:50異地的歲月
TASP 之旅 (一)
2007年的十月中,老師來了一封信問我要不要投稿一個遊戲研討會(TASP—The Association for the study of play),她還附上了連結,聽到這消息當然先問了一下Alex,他一聽到馬上就說:就投阿!反正又還不知道會不會上!
逼近截稿日期的前一個星期我才翻開我的論文,研討會要求一百五十個字的摘要,這實在是很難耶,論文英文摘要的那頁胡亂寫也寫了五百字。最後寫成的摘要: A Study of Children’s Sharing Behavior in Pretend Play
This study investigates children’s behavior in pretend play. Based on the qualitative research of children’s pretend play in a natural situation (27 mixed-age preschoolers in Tainan, Taiwan), it is found that sharing behavior is a situation of mutual possession in children’s pretend play, and it is not necessarily self-sacrifice. Furthermore, we focus on the sharing things, the sharing strategies and the relationship between sharing behavior and pretend play. When children are in their pretend play, they tend to share roles, spaces, objects, and action-plans. The speaking strategies of the sharers spread from compassion to oppression, and the resultant attitudes of the recipients may be flexible or bossy. Sharing behavior can initiate the pretend play and can also maintain the process of pretend play. On the other hand, the episodes of pretend play can promote the occurrence of sharing behavior.
I am pleased to inform you that your proposal,
“A Study of Children’sSharing Behavior in Pretend Play,”
has been accepted for presentation
(Category: INDIVIDUAL PAPER) at the upcoming annual conference of
The Association for the Study of Play (TASP) in Tempe, Arizona, March 5-8, 2008.
逼近截稿日期的前一個星期我才翻開我的論文,研討會要求一百五十個字的摘要,這實在是很難耶,論文英文摘要的那頁胡亂寫也寫了五百字。最後寫成的摘要: A Study of Children’s Sharing Behavior in Pretend Play
This study investigates children’s behavior in pretend play. Based on the qualitative research of children’s pretend play in a natural situation (27 mixed-age preschoolers in Tainan, Taiwan), it is found that sharing behavior is a situation of mutual possession in children’s pretend play, and it is not necessarily self-sacrifice. Furthermore, we focus on the sharing things, the sharing strategies and the relationship between sharing behavior and pretend play. When children are in their pretend play, they tend to share roles, spaces, objects, and action-plans. The speaking strategies of the sharers spread from compassion to oppression, and the resultant attitudes of the recipients may be flexible or bossy. Sharing behavior can initiate the pretend play and can also maintain the process of pretend play. On the other hand, the episodes of pretend play can promote the occurrence of sharing behavior.
I am pleased to inform you that your proposal,
“A Study of Children’sSharing Behavior in Pretend Play,”
has been accepted for presentation
(Category: INDIVIDUAL PAPER) at the upcoming annual conference of
The Association for the Study of Play (TASP) in Tempe, Arizona, March 5-8, 2008.
下一篇:TASP之旅 (二)