2019-03-15 05:31:14m85pdyk2ou
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燒烤推薦 五股
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/kiuqiu99/products/F014190227
Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach.
In recent years, exposure to marijuana and other cannabinoids has become an increasing challenge. Legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use has already happened in some states, and more states are considering this. What is the risk of use or secondary exposure, including accidental ingestion, to marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids? What factors are associated with use or secondary exposure? What are the implications for children and teens who use marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids?
High-impact collection topics include:
Health risk behaviors with synthetic cannabinoids versus Marijuana
Risky behaviors associated with synthetic cannabinoid use
Longitudinal predictors of adolescent synthetic cannabinoid use
AAP policy opposing marijuana use and clinical, research, and legal updates to marijuana policies on youth
Counseling parents and teens about marijuana use
Strategies for reducing youth recreational marijuana use
Alcohol and marijuana use among medically vulnerable youth圍爐年菜 食譜
Neurologic effects on newborns exposed to marijuana in pregnancy
Clinical presentation of synthetic cannabinoids intoxication
Prolonged atrial fibrillation precipitated by new-onset seizures after marijuana abuse
Order this limited-edition print collection Pediatric Collections: Medical Risks of Marijuana to build your clinical reference library, augment your training and academic activities, launch new public health initiatives and research endeavors, or implement prevention strategies in your community.
As a bonus to ordering this print collection, receive a FREE prevention poster with purchase, ' Synthetic Cannabinoids and Marijuana, The Who's Who of Usage.'
In recent years, exposure to marijuana and other cannabinoids has become an increasing challenge. Legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use has already happened in some states, and more states are considering this. What is the risk of use or secondary exposure, including accidental ingestion, to marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids? What factors are associated with use or secondary exposure? What are the implications for children and teens who use marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids?
High-impact collection topics include:
Health risk behaviors with synthetic cannabinoids versus Marijuana
Risky behaviors associated with synthetic cannabinoid use
Longitudinal predictors of adolescent synthetic cannabinoid use
AAP policy opposing marijuana use and clinical, research, and legal updates to marijuana policies on youth
Counseling parents and teens about marijuana use
Strategies for reducing youth recreational marijuana use
Alcohol and marijuana use among medically vulnerable youth圍爐年菜 食譜
Neurologic effects on newborns exposed to marijuana in pregnancy
Clinical presentation of synthetic cannabinoids intoxication
Prolonged atrial fibrillation precipitated by new-onset seizures after marijuana abuse
Order this limited-edition print collection Pediatric Collections: Medical Risks of Marijuana to build your clinical reference library, augment your training and academic activities, launch new public health initiatives and research endeavors, or implement prevention strategies in your community.
As a bonus to ordering this print collection, receive a FREE prevention poster with purchase, ' Synthetic Cannabinoids and Marijuana, The Who's Who of Usage.'
商品訊息簡述: 宜蘭 火鍋推薦
- 作者: American Academy of Pediatrics (COR)
- 原文出版社:Amer Academy of Pediatrics
- 出版日期:2017/10/27
- 語言:英文
Medical Risks of Marijuana平鎮 火鍋吃到飽
商品網址: bbq 烤肉食譜http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/kiuqiu99/products/F014190227
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