2007-11-23 23:40:08葉子媽媽

I’ve Never Been To Me


小王子裡的狐狸說: 一個人只有用心靈才能看得到真實的東西,真正重要的東西不是眼睛可以看得到的!


那是我們對人、事、地的憧憬 所編織出來的幻想
那是今天早上和妳爭執的那個男人 也是晚上一同做愛的男人
有時候我會為未出世的孩子哭泣 也許那會使我的人生更完整
但我選擇了優渥的生活 卻從來不知道樂極也會生悲
我已花了一生縱情聲色 為自由付出太多代價
我曾到過天堂 但從不曾屬於自己

Listen this song....
Maybe you know it, just never read the lyric

I’ve Never Been To Me

Hey lady, you lady
cursing at your life
you’re a discontented mother
and a regimented wife
I have no doubt
you dream about the things you never do
but I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you

Oh, I’ve been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run
Took the hand of a preacher man
and we made love in the sun
But I ran out of places and friendly faces
Because I had to be free
I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to me...

Please lady please lady
don’t just walk away
Cause I have this need to tell you
why I’m all alone today
I can see so much of me
still living in your eyes
won’t you share a part
of a weary heart that has lived a million lives

Oh, I’ve been to Nice and the isle of Greece
when I sipped champagne on a yacht
I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo
and showed them what I’ve got
I’ve been undressed by kings
and I’ve seen some things that a woman ain’t s’pose to see
I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to me...

Hey, you know what paradise is?
It’s a lie
a fantasy we created about people and places
as we like them to be
but you know what truth is?
it’s that little baby you’re holding
and it’s that man you fought with this morning
the same one you are gonna make love to tonight
that’s truth that’s love

Sometimes I’ve been to crying for unborn children
that might have made me complete
but I, I took the sweet life
I never knew I’d be bitter from the sweet
I spent my life exploring
the subtle whoring
that costs too much to be free
hey lady I’ve been to paradise
but I’ve never been to me...

I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to me...
