2007-07-10 06:26:37葉子媽媽

Tora and Bella

Tora and Bella are my new friends.Ha...Actually, they are my girl friend’s cats. She has been back home for a few months. And this month, her boy friend is away for traveling. Then, I am the only taking care of them.This is Bella. She is so skinny and small.
Another one is Tora. She has longer hair, so I am kind of being away from her. Her hair is everywhere in the apartmnet. And you may tell that she is over weight. Her food is special for weight control. I visit them once a day. Basically, I give them new food and clean their ”toilet.” Check the apartment is too hot or not. Turn on the air conditioner or fan for them.It is an easy job, and they are cute too. So far, they do not play with me. I guess I am still a stranger for them. It takes time to know each other!


下一篇:My new sweet home