2007-02-13 01:41:59葉子媽媽

Why do you want to be a language teacher?

Got these question in class, it is great to think through these questions and look at my own teaching.

What caused me to want to become a second language teacher?

Do these reasons still exist for me now?

What does it mean be a teacher? A langauge teacher?

Is the teacehr I am the person I am?

Where did the ideas that I embody in L2 teaching come from
historically? Can I place them in methodologies that have evolved?

How did I come to approciate those ideas?

Who do I contunue to endorese them now in my teaching?

Who has power in my classroom and how is it expressed?

How do pwer relatioinships in my classroom influence my interactions
with my students?

How might I teach differently?

What is the nature of knowledge that guides my teaching of content?

Who creates this knowledge?

How did this knowledge emerge during the evolution of teaching?

How does what I do affect the opportunities in the lives of students?

What connections do I make with organizations outside the school to demonstrate my active role in the langague coomunity?


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