推廣學分班二專部視光科九十八學年度第二學期 教學大綱與進度表
仁德醫護管理專科學校九十八學年度第二學期 教學大綱與進度表
FirstSemester, 2009/2010 Course Syllabus
科別 Department | 視光科 Department of Vision/ | 學制 Junior College | 二專 一 year | 授課班級 Class | 學分班204 | |||||
授課教師 Instructor | 郭侑欣 Kuo Yu-Hsin (English Name) | e-mail | lidia@jente.edu.tw | 學分數/時數 Credit/Hours | 2/2 | |||||
科目名稱 | Course Title | |||||||||
國文﹝二﹞ | Chinese | |||||||||
課程概述與目標 | Course Description and Objetive | |||||||||
教學總目標: (一)認知方面——1、認識作者所處的時代背景及其在文學發展史上的地位。2、明白作品的體裁及其主旨內容。3、理解各篇作品的寫作技巧。 (三)技能方面——1、增進學生讀、寫、說的語文能力。2、養成學生自我學習的能力。3、增進欣賞文章的能力。 (三)情意方面——1、能就所學習的作品,遙想古人的情懷。2、透過作品的涵養來立身處事。3、藉由文學的學習而有開闊的胸懷及世界觀。 | Desired Learning Outcomes: I. Comprehension of the texts i. Have an understanding of the historical background of the authors and their contribution to the development of Chinese literature. ii. To understand the composition form and development of the article iii. To realize the main idea of the article iv. To be familiar with the hard words and phrases. v. To comprehend the writing skill about rhetoric and grammar II. Developing Writing Skills i. Cultivate the abilities of independent learning of Chinese literature. ii. Improve the ability of reading, writing, and speaking in Chinese. III. Appreciating Literary Worksi. To motivate the students with passions of learning and exploring of problems during the studying process ii. Raise their consciousness of caring for the society. Establish to traditional cultural self-confidence. | |||||||||
週次 Week | 教學內容 | Course Contents | ||||||||
1 | 課程介紹 ,【祝福】題解 | |||||||||
2 | 【祝福】作者魯迅介紹、魯迅的文學世界 | |||||||||
3 | 【祝福】課文內容分析、小說結構說明 | |||||||||
4 | 課外閱讀──魯迅作品【藥】 | |||||||||
5 | 魯迅紀錄片欣賞,【現代詩選】現代詩歌史 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
6 | 【現代詩選】作者群介紹 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
7 | 【現代詩選】課文內容分析 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
8 | 複習 | |||||||||
9 | 期中考 | Mid-term Exam | ||||||||
10 | 【豐作】題解、作者賴和介紹 | |||||||||
11 | 日據醫療發展史,賴和的文學世界 | |||||||||
12 | 【豐作】課文內容分析 | |||||||||
13 | 【豐作】小說結構說明 【李斯列傳】司馬遷介紹 | |||||||||
14 | 【李斯列傳】史記體例,課文--倉中鼠 | |||||||||
15 | 【李斯列傳】課文---說秦王,秦代史實介紹 | |||||||||
16 | 【李斯列傳】課文—議焚書、物極則衰、沙丘之議 | |||||||||
17 | 複習 | |||||||||
18 | 期末考 | Final-term Exam | ||||||||
評分方式 | Grades | |||||||||
1. 期中考30%、期末考 30%、平時成績40% 2. 平時成績包含(小考、作業、課堂表現、出勤) | Mid-term Exam (30%), Final-term Exam (30%), Quiz, Participation and Attendance (40%) | |||||||||
課堂用書或參考書目 Textbooks | 書名, 作者, 出版社(書號) 大學國文選 王慧芬 文京出版社 | |||||||||
先修課程 | Prerequisite Course | |||||||||
規定先修課程:無 建議先修課程:無 | no | |||||||||
教材網址 | Website for Teaching Materials | |||||||||
Ms1@jente.edu.tw | Ms1@jente.edu.tw | |||||||||
課業輔導時間與地點 | Office Hour | |||||||||
網路 周四上午十時至十一時 周四上午十一時至十二時 周二下午二時至三時 周二下午三時至四時 | Thursday 10:00 to 11:00 on the Web Thursday 11:00 to 12:00 on the Web Thursday 14:00 to 15:0 on the Web Thursday 15:00 to 16:00 on the Web | |||||||||
週次 Week | 重點提示與課後作業 | Highlights & Homework | ||||||||
1 | 課程介紹 ,【祝福】題解 | |||||||||
2 | 【祝福】作者魯迅介紹、魯迅的文學世界 | |||||||||
3 | 【祝福】課文內容分析、小說結構說明 | |||||||||
4 | 課外閱讀──魯迅作品【藥】 | |||||||||
5 | 魯迅紀錄片欣賞,【現代詩選】現代詩歌史 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
6 | 【現代詩選】作者群介紹 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
7 | 【現代詩選】課文內容分析 | The selection of Modern Poetry | ||||||||
8 | 複習 | |||||||||
9 | 期中考 | Mid-term Exam | ||||||||
10 | 【豐作】題解、作者賴和介紹 | |||||||||
11 | 日據醫療發展史,賴和的文學世界 | |||||||||
12 | 【豐作】課文內容分析 | |||||||||
13 | 【豐作】小說結構說明 【李斯列傳】司馬遷介紹 | |||||||||
14 | 【李斯列傳】史記體例,課文--倉中鼠 | |||||||||
15 | 【李斯列傳】課文---說秦王,秦代史實介紹 | |||||||||
16 | 【李斯列傳】課文—議焚書、物極則衰、沙丘之議 | |||||||||
17 | 複習 | |||||||||
18 | 期末考 | Final-term Exam | ||||||||
備註 | Remarks | |||||||||