2009-03-29 00:59:50Michael Wang



Fibersol-2® 在日本經日本厚生勞動省認定為


  • Li_icon 1992   調整腸道機能
    Li_icon 1994   調節血糖
  • Li_icon 1998   降低血清膽固醇
  • Li_icon 1998   降低中性脂肪

截至 2007 年 1月底止,日本使用 Fibersol-2® 得到

『特保認證』的食品共 165 項,其中:

  • Li_icon 調整腸道機能 86
  • Li_icon 調節血糖 79

目前日本獲得特定保健用食品認證的產品中,添加 Fibersol-2® 的品項已超過25%。







日本藤素 2020-01-13 08:16:42



walker 2010-03-02 21:59:12

many thanks

walker 2010-03-01 14:36:54

do you have more information
about how many mg or g each day for a adult ,can reach this result

Hi, here is the dosage/per day each for several different experiments.
1. Stool Frequencies and Fecal Volume Study
(Dosage: 4.8 g/ day for 14 days. Subject: 20 constipated adult females. Single-blind, cross-over study)
2. Fecal Bacteria Study
(Dosage: 30 g/ day for 8 days. n=5. Cross-over study)
Result: Fibersol-2 increases beneficial bacteria.

3. Suppression of Postprandial Rises in Blood Glucose/ Insulin/ Triglyceride
Blood Glucose/ Insulin
(Dosage: 5.7 g, Subject: 20 healthy adult. Single-blind, cross-over study)

4. Serum Triglyceride
(Dosage: 5.0 g, Subject: 13 healthy adult. Single-blind, cross-over study)

Result: Fibersol-2 attenuates postprandial blood glucose/ insulin/ triglyceride levels.

5. Chronic Triglyceride and Visceral Fat
(Dosage: 10 g×3 times, Subject: 38 healthy adult. Double-blind, parallel study)

Result: Continual Ingestion of Fibersol-2 attenuates serum triglyceride/ visceral fat levels.

6. Mineral Absorptions (Rat)
(Dosage: 0, 1.5, 3% Fibersol-2-added feed for 7 days, N=8/ each group)

Result: Continual Ingestion of Fibersol-2 helps promote mineral absorption. (Unpublished data, 2007)

This information is abstrcted from the Matsutani company.
2010-03-01 22:25:07