IMG_1375.JPGan enchanting job-- being a teacher Today I had a very pleasant day with my stude...
感謝打掃的麗環幫我找到我的帳號密碼 這才讓這小小天地得以重見天日啊 hua
才恢復上班三個月就又病了 真令人洩氣請假在家這幾天可也沒閒著每天跑中醫診所針灸的行程往往要半天的時間加...
今天與恬清洗小小的陽台 可以玩水 恬樂得直叫我別搶了她的工作我簡單地工作訓練一下 便留下恬自個兒玩然後樂...
On May 15, 2010, I had to say goodbye to the two major pillars of my life in Denver at the same time...
Not until the commencement did I realize this was literally the last day of my life in CU Denver. T'...
What's the realtion between "play" and "teaching"? What does "play" have to do with "teaching"? I fo...
mandy's honorMandy was recommended by her school to take the test for the highly gifted students pro...
DillHavarti_lg_1.jpgI finally found my cheese: Danish Havarti & Dill Harvarti CheeseIn some clas...
My belief of teaching has never deviated from the concept that “education is hope”. Education serv...
Mandy, You Rock!
今天的晚餐吃什麼呢菠菜蛋炒飯烤蕃茄 義大利醋醬沙拉