2006-12-18 12:29:53不務正業


Cindy問我們想不想到紐約州的莊嚴寺拜拜,順便去Bear Mountain附近逛逛,然後,兩個老公帶小孩回家,我們兩個到Woodbury逛街。



殿內的毘盧遮那佛有11米高,是美東最大的佛像。 整座寺簡單樸實,加上四周都是森林,感覺很幽靜。

回程路上,我們到Hudson River旁的小鎮--Cold Spring--散步。這條河的最下游,就是有名的紐約港。
從Bear Mountain Bridge看整條河,氣勢更加開闊。 下面這圖片不是我照的,從維基百科借用的。
穿過Bear Mountain回到I-87後,男生和女生分道揚鑣。 兩位偉大的爸爸帶四個精力旺盛的男孩回家,兩位快樂的女士就到Woodbury Village逛街去了。

Woodbury Village是紐約州有名的outlet,這個小村莊總共有220 outlet stores,所有想得到的牌子,這裡幾乎都有。Village裏人山人海,每個人大包小包,而我們兩個從四點多開始逛到九點關門,散步散了快五個小時,收穫寥寥可數。 認真想想,櫃子裏什麼都不缺,還真不知要買什麼呢。 其實不是我們通過物慾考驗,而是outlet內東西品質太差了。 不過,我們聊天聊得很高興。 兩手空空回家,最高興的,應該是家裡一整晚辛苦帶小孩的老公了。

回家後,看到兩兄弟已經被老公擺平睡著,心裏有說不出的感動。 對我們這種結婚多年的老夫老妻來說,這就是最貼心的浪漫了。


下一篇:到處都是Santa Claus

Roger's mom 2007-01-05 03:50:59

Well, one Coach handbag and a couple of sweaters from Benetton already cost quite a lot. Not to mention some accessories and women shoes.

Cindy 2007-01-04 14:57:57

My goodness, $3000, what did she buy? I hope she is still wearing the clothes she bought on that day. Wait until I tell my husband, I wonder what he will say? He will probably hope that I never get to meet and go shopping with your friend, Nancy, hoping to spare his own wallet!

我們還是當花30塊美金要想半天的女人好了,這樣才對得起那兩個偉大的男人。 2007-01-04 22:55:01
Roger's mom 2007-01-01 01:55:55

Remember Nany Chung, your roomate from China Medical College and Shu-ting’s classmate from Department of Medicine? When she and her husband were in New Jersey about 10 years ago, I visited her place. Her husband took us to Woodbury Villeage and Bear Montain. I agree Woodbury Villeage is the best outlet so far I ever been. By the way, Nancy spent almost 3000 dollars in that shopping. She told me that she had tried very hard to spend as less as she can. All her husband did was pay the bill by cash for her so that he can monitor how much Nancy spent. Her husband only spent 20 dollars for his shoes. So Nancy is really a compulsive shopper. And how lucky she is to marry this guy who is willing to make sacrisfice for her.

2007-01-01 14:20:30