2004-10-06 18:01:56

[English Writing] Be you

最近覺得英文很不好, 想要la英文啦. 有錯要糾正偶喔.

I just fininshed an important document.
In the document, I have to present how important I am for this company to convince the BIGs. At that moment, I felt sad a little bit : I am a adult, and I don't want to accept it.

I know that everyone has to experience this progress.
And I know I have to accept it, no matter if I want or not.
That seems to be the way, people called "MATURE".
(I think it actually combinded with lots of bullshit things.
OH~ of course, lots of happinesses include, too)

I got a letter yesterday , with a beautiful, red maple leaf.
The Card said :

I with I could be like,
"Houston, we have a problem."
but I know I'd more like,
"Houston! Houston! Pick up! Pick up!" and come off all needy.

To be honest, I don't quite understand the meaning at the beginning.
Fortunately, who send me this card explained it. :P

I think one don't have to do things that what he/she can't do.
(Of course, we have to work hard to achieve some goals.)
I mean :
If you are impatient, never be a programmer. :P
If you are not eloquent, never be a sales.
Just be you!
That's fine and great! ^_^