2023-04-21 16:48:17lingyudryer

Do you know what is the precision compressed air filter

Compressed air is an essential energy source for human life and industrial production, such as blue, volleyball, football, and various car tires. The purpose of the pump is compressed air. For example, industrial production requires compressed air for processes such as pressing, welding, painting, assembly and printing. dpc for your referral.


With the continuous development of modern industry, people's requirements for compressed air quality, especially the requirements of the manufacturing process, are becoming more and more stringent, so enterprises are paying more and more attention to compressed air quality. Modern industrial requirements for compressed air can be divided into the following areas:



1, compressed air pressure, flow requirements:



Almost anywhere compressed air is needed has specific requirements for compressed air pressure and flow. The most common pressure values ​​today are around 0.7 MPa (g). However, in some special cases, such as the glass industry, the compressed air pressure requirement may be around 0.2-0.4Mpa(g). Also, some military companies, for example, have compressed air requirements in the order of tens of MPa. How can these requirements be met? There are many different air compressors on the market today.


2, Compressed air drying requirements:



Dryness is the moisture content or dew point temperature of compressed air. Different processes differ in terms of temperature requirements for compressed air dew point. For example, the dew point of compressed air used for instrumentation should generally be less than -40°C, while some precision equipment such as industrial robots, automated assembly lines, and spraying may require compressed air dew points in the automotive industry and others. industry should be between -40°C and -70°C. However, simply blowing or pumping compressed air does not take much time. Compressed air dew point size is usually reached by a dryer. Refrigeration dryers are suitable for pressure dew points of 0°C or higher, and adsorption dryers are suitable for pressure dew points of -20°C to -70°C. 

3, Compressed air cleanliness requirements:



The air contains a large amount of oil mist, microorganisms, solid matter, dust, harmful gases, etc., which can cause machine failure. How can I remove these substances? Compressed air filters can be used to solve this.



A compressed air filter is a device for filtering and cleaning compressed air. Generally refers to a highly efficient precision filter in the piping of a compressed air system.


As a barrier for screw laser cutting air compressors, the quality of the air filter is very important. If the quality of the air filter is poor, diseases such as humans will enter through the mouth. Poor air filter quality will cause customers to waste a lot of power and will directly affect the life of oil, oil filter, oil and bearings. However, air filter quality is an issue that many so-called bricklayers in the air compressor industry for laser cutting screws ignore. Many people do not pay attention to the quality of air filters. Only when the air filter is sucked to the point where it deforms does it become clear that the quality of the air filter is poor, and the cause of the deformation cannot be determined, just replace it with a new one and you are done.


It is not particularly difficult for an air filter to have good waterproofness. A good quality pulp filter paper will meet your needs, but will be a little more expensive to produce. It is even more difficult to achieve both filter accuracy and breathability. An excellent air filter that meets three needs at the same time. We would also appreciate it if you could tell your customers to carefully clean their filters. This is not only to increase the protection of the screw her air carrier. It is also designed to help customers save electricity (if dust adheres to the surface of the air filter, it will affect smooth inhalation). A user in a particularly harsh environment should organize the air filter once a day and replace it once every 500-800 hours. .Environmentally friendly customer! Change the air filter every 500-2000 hours of her. 

Lingyu coalescing compressed air filter for moisture removal