2004-01-04 09:31:53葉子

給我的 愛

I should have known all along 原來我一直都不明白
there was something wrong 錯的事發生了
I just never read between the lines 我真的不懂
Then I woke up one day 直到有天我醒來
and found you on your way 發現你
Leaving nothing but my heart behind 留下我的心離去
What can I do to make it up to you 我能做什麼讓你回心轉意
Promises don't come easy 誓言不再
But tell me if there's a way 告訴我 有沒有可能
to bring you back home to stay 我願付出所有
Well I'd promises anything to you 讓你重回我懷抱
I've been walkin' around 漫無目的地走
with my head hanging down 我的心掉落在哪
Wondrin' what I'm gonna do 不知道該怎麼辦
Cause when you walked out that door 你離我而去
I knew I needed you more 我需要你
Than to take a chance on losing you 不能沒有你
What can I do to make it up to you 我能做什麼讓你回心轉意
Promises don't come easy 誓言不再
You know I've made up my mind 我下定決心
to make it work this time 要好好愛你
That's the promise that I give to you 實現對你的承諾
You never thought I loved you 你想我是不愛你的
I guess you never thought I cared 你想我不在乎
I was just too proud to say it out loud 我只是怕說出來太驕傲
Now I know 現在我知道
to let my feelings go (so tell me) 跟著我的感覺走 告訴我
What can I do to make it up to you 我能做什麼讓你回心轉意
Promises don't come easy 誓言不再
You know I've made up my mind 我下定決心
to make it work this time 要好好愛你
That's the promise I can give to you 實現對你的承諾
What can I do to make it up to you 我能做什麼讓你回心轉意
知道你喜歡 我把它學起來了
剛剛閒著沒事 試著寫出中文
可能寫的很拙 ^_^"
你起床了嗎? 昨晚我四十分鐘就到家
發了短信給你 去沖涼 洗了頭 吹乾頭髮我也上床睡覺
昨天又夢見你...溫柔的抱著我 我們就這樣聊天 聊到入睡
你呢? 有沒有也夢見我出現你夢中?

知道你懶 懶得寫字和打字 這是我們的站台
你可以只看 看我的文字 跟心情
因為就是想給你看的 知道嗎?
Ti amo