2004-12-07 21:19:26lovetomake

八回發射 k@te二首




02 I Began Life as a Snowflake

I began life as a snowflake.
Yes, as a baby snowflake
Born from a crystalline fracture of a frozen womb
Fell as an organ of weather in your tablespoon.

The first word I learned to say was “Shh…”
Then the sound dispersed across the landscape to let it ski.
The one that hears would strike sparks in my gene.
If you want to know where I have been,
Boil my heart and get ginned.
There will be flowering words that I give
To the silence of this scene.

My diary melts in air while I keep.
All I miss in traveling isn't just my favorite buttercream.
The moon is fruit; the sunlight is sugar;
Icing could be their sweet gaze in me.
But when one obscures another
My body fills with soft lights and episodic darkness-
A dramatic eclipse I cannot see.
Read my mind then
You know the two exist.

If you are an artist, color me blue if you please
If you are a child, color me beige
if you catch the stars in my sleep
I'll die by your window to be your sheen.