Thank you,too! You know what I want to say. I hope you can find your true love. I’ll remember anything what you told . The secret between us will be the secret forever. Don’t be so far from me. ♥
【穿越時空-滬尾歷史行腳】深度感受新北文化魅力一日遊. 五月即將登場的2025雙北世界壯年運動會,到時候會有來自全世界各地的參加者
2025.3.23 兩天前拆開一包買了很久卻一直忘記打開的包裹,除了幾本書外,還看到這張快兩年前的發票。像是很久前拍完了就忘了
⋯⋯ 。 🐻 昨早家裡吃個蛋,接著去全家買個紫米漿、麻油雞飯糰,有滋有味的,吃的好飽。 以往都三明治和紅茶,上班早上都這樣
. . 我在整理電腦裏的連結,老公在廚房悉悉 簌簌,kiki-koko,拿來了一小盤點心 tapas(今晚是義大利臘腸和起士)要 和我分享
Thank you,too!
You know what I want to say.
I hope you can find your true love.
I’ll remember anything what you told .
The secret between us will be the secret forever.
Don’t be so far from me. ♥