2002-01-15 18:22:23news

[大馬] HOManiacs 2002聚會+派對-------新力藝言堂


HOManiacs 2002 GATHERING, is set on 26 January 2002, at 2.30 pm at Chinese Bistro Restaurant (opposite Federal Hotel).

**All members, please wear your fanclub t-shirt to the gathering and bring along your membership cards. Those who had signed up as a club member before are encouraged to come to the gathering and interact along with other members.

There is a minor fee charged at RM12 per person, which is for the drinks and some presents for the games session. There will be attractive prizes for all winners, including both signed and unsigned posters, and also banners as well. There will also be an announcement about Lee Hom's 2002 Malaysia Concert and his vocal chord book.

Those who are interested in joining the fans club, but have yet to send their particulars to any of the committee members, please attend this gathering and fill in the form to join us now!

from 新力藝言堂