2001-04-13 21:20:26news

color手記No.4-----Color April


您們好鳴這段日子New York 下了一場兩呎厚的暴風雪,將整個紐約市鋪天蓋地變得白皚皚一片。好像把紐約市任何東西都淹沒了。特別在夜裡,除了藉著月色看見茫茫雪影之外,其他東西好像都消失於漆黑的夜裡。






Dear Friends,
How are you all doing? We just had a huge snow storm in New York this past week, about two feet of snow in total! This white wintery blanket covers everything, trees, houses, cars, and at night glows so brightly under the full moon that it makes the whole neighborhood fook blackfit.

I am now in the absolute middle of my album production, and living on HK time. This means that I wake up at 6 pm and go to bed around 10:30 am everday! Pretty crazy hours, but I've found that working through the night is the most creative time for me, and when I go back to Asia, I won't even have jetlag! The only problem is that sometimes when I play the drums or the electric guitar, it's too loud for the neighbors, so I have to record those tracks during waking hours. Overall though, I'm having a wonderful time. It's so rewarding create.

Thanks to all the fans who continue to e-mail me with letters of encouragement and supports for the new album's production. I promise you all that I am putting my heart and soul into each song, and that it will be an exciting album, full of life.

I'd also like to say thank you to all the people who sawmy first movie, China Strike Fprce. I have much to learn int he field of acting, and I am grateful to have to honor of being nominated for Best New Actor at this year's Hong Kong movie awards.

Till next month, I'll be thinking of you all, and missing the wonderful Chinese food.Yours truly,Leehom

All the best, Leehom

from Color(April)