2001-02-17 15:17:41news


Dear Oriental Sunday,

I just read your magazine's most recent issue, February 16, 2001, and you went too far. Not only did you publish an article about me based on lies and rumors (claiming that I am gay), but you also elaborated on it with more lies, such as I used to frequent a bar which I have never been to nor even heard of. I am disappointed in you, and trust you will do everything in your power to rectify this irresponsible mistake.

Over the past few weeks, I never personally made any responses to the heavily publicized tabloid concerning Rosemary and Julie. I never accepted any radio, TV, newspaper, or magazine interviews because I knew it was all just exaggerated by the media, and I refused to feed their fire.

But this incident is different, and I must respond immediately, for it is much more serious of a problem. Your article accuses me of being gay as if it were a shameful crime. Although I am not gay, I respect people from all walks of life. Neither gays nor anyone else should have to submit themselves to the fundamental prejudice that is reflected in your article.

I am not here for tabloid games, I am here as a musician and an artist. I refuse to help you sell your magazines at my reputation's expense. You owe me and my fans a front page apology in your next week's issue explaining how this week's cover story was founded on farce, or else I will take legal action.


Leehom Wang

from www.leehom-hk.com