2002-11-10 14:42:11news

[2002-10-20]Lee Hom "Evolution" Media Conference

Lee Hom "Evolution" Media Conference (Malaysia) 2002
reported by Rymond

Well this conference was my first outing with Homaniacs this year, after i missed the great concert and also the gathering at Saloma Cafe. Needless to say, it was an extremely good outing for all members and committees, but of coz, most of the members only know who Joanne is and wondering who I am (hehe).

Let's get to the story!

I arrived at the Crystal Crown Hotel Ballroom at 5 pm, to arrive after Joanne and noticed there were already 20-30 Homaniacs members waiting to enter the great hall. Good patience is a quality of good fans I guess. (I need one or two pix of our club members as mine was ruined). Everyone waited eagerly, some members exchanging their collections and looked at others collection as well. Most of them supported Lee Hom after Revolution album but their collections were simply astonished. I have been listening to Lee Hom's music since 1995 but of coz I only have a few posters and all his CD as my collection but not newspaper cuttings (hehe!). At 6.30pm, the number of arrivals had increased and we, the committees, began to discuss the arrangement for the members section, which was proudly right in front of the stage. And at 6.45pm, the members were let in into the hall and were seated nicely. As more members began to arrive after 7pm, they had to stuffed themselves between the spaces but of coz, even the smallest space in front of the stage was still the best seat.

At 8pm, everyone was tensed, waiting for Lee Hom's arrival and a few minutes later, he walked into the hall and towards the stage and flash lights began to fill the stage as everyone began to snap photos of Lee Hom. When Lee Hom agreed to pose for the fans, he was astonished by the number of flashlights and said,"Wow, nowaday the fans are so professional. You all can become pro-photographers." And everyone cheered and laughed. As Lee Hom sat down, the conference began and answered a lot of questions which he answered in a very well-versed Mandarin. Among the questions (which I can't remember everything) , he was asked about his EVOLUTION in music:
"Well I have matured, in my opinion throughtout the 7 years involved in the music industry. The first album, Beethoven My Rival, is a very naive and smooth music album but as I grew up, you can see the difference in the music I wrote and produced. Like the new song "W-H-Y", I was emphasizing on the issues faced by me and other artistes as well, like piracy and papparazi, and the theme was different than what I previously wrote (mostly about love), and it turned out to be another kind of music and I am very happy about it. It is a kind of evolution."
When asked about his feeling between producing his own album and of other singers (Karen Mok came into mind), Lee Hom answered:
"I have more expectations when producing my personal albums, always trying to get the best of everything that suits my own preference, and in a way, I am always striving too hard but at the end, I will up to my expectations. About producing other singers' albums, for instance, Karen's album, it was of a lot of fun as I was working with other people, which is something I don't experience while working on my own album because, I am like David Tao. Both of us will be alone in the studio and our fingers will be pressing the buttons during recording, you know, "Play" and "Stop" and "Record" while we sing to the microphone. It is a totally different environment."

As the Q&A continued, Lee Hom answered all questions smoothly and mostly regarding his music and his music life. Later, two lucky fans were invited onto the stage and sat beside Lee Hom to share their collections and thoughts about Lee Hom and his music. As astonished as me, Lee Hom was amazed by the huge collections, consisting of magazines and newspaper cuttings, photos and printed images found online. All these were compiled into albums. But when asked about their hope to Lee Hom in the future, one answered, "I hope Lee Hom can published his first English and I believed the album is long-awaited by all fans." while another answered, "I hope Lee Hom will continued to make more music, and of coz, music that he likes."

The conference was ended at 9.15 pm as Lee Hom had to rush to 98.8 for another interview.